Weekly Plan – Term Two, Week Two

This week we continue our analysis of Nineteen Eighty-Four. We will expand our exploration of Marxist Literary Theory and you'll be asked to work with another student to develop a presentation looking into an aspect of the context of the novel.
This week we continue our analysis of Nineteen Eighty-Four. We will expand our exploration of Marxist Literary Theory and you'll be asked to work with another student to develop a…
19th April 2020

Thoughtcrime Podcast

Listen to this course's companion podcast to help make sense of everything you find published here

This week we go deeper into our Marxist analysis and look to some historical fact for context.

Now that you’ve finished reading Nineteen Eighty-Four, we’ve going to hit the ground running with analysis and discussion, expanding on our understanding of the dystopian genre of which this text is a seminal example.

On days when you have an English period, you can expect an update on this site to guide your learning – this will also be emailed to you every morning at 7:00am. Often we’ll be conferencing online, and this schedule will always be posted at the beginning of each week.

We’re going to run a class film festival this term as well – and I’m keen to make this a virtual-shared experience. More on this soon.


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This Week’s Timetable:

Monday 20 April, Period 5

Online Video Conference: We complete our readings about Marxist Literary Theory and have a go at collectively writing our own Marxist class response to Nineteen Eighty Four.

Wednesday 22 April, Period 1:

Online Video Conference: We will read and critique your independent analysis – and then we will agree on our research “Lines of Inquiry” and sort out who will pair with whom to complete this task.

Thursday 23 April, Period 3:

Independent Collaboration Time. Working with your research partner, bring together the knowledge you’ve aquired in relation to your research topic and devise a 3-5 minute presentation, to be delivered to the class next week.

Friday 24 April, Period 4:

Online Video Conference: You will take the reigns and present the findings of your research project.


Thoughtcrime Podcast

Listen to this course’s companion podcast to help make sense of everything you find published here